Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Californian All-You-Can-Tweak Laser Buffet

(a wee update I just sent in for the weekly school newsletter at Vic)

Justin and I have spent the last week at the Spectra-Physics factory in Santa Clara, California (in the middle of Silicon Valley). This is the very factory that gave birth to our own ultrafast laser that now resides on the second floor of the Alan MacDiarmid building.

Our advanced-training week consisted of about 30 seconds spent misaligning a state-of-the-art femtosecond laser beyond the point of operation, followed by four days realigning & optimizing the whole thing from front to back. Dmitriy Vorobyev, a powerful laser wizard from central Russia, was our guide on this journey. Dmitriy enjoys California’s all-you-can-eat lunch restaurants, but misses getting caught in a good Russian blizzard. He is also an extraordinarily knowledgeable and patient teacher, laughing off the occasional burnt hose or finger.

Justin, Alex and Dmitriy

The purpose of our training was to achieve greater independence in keeping our laser running optimally, since waiting several weeks for a technician to get us back on our feet is a complete drag. We are now hotly anticipating getting home to tweak previously forbidden mirrors, gratings and other knobs in search of more brief, intense and consistent pulses of light.

Optimizing the pump and seed beam overlap in a Ti:Sapphire amplifier

Having spent the week constrained to the side of the highway that boasted only two places to eat (see attached directions for the perilous highway crossing), we’re looking forward to a change of scenery. We are currently en route to the Gordon Research Conference on Electronic Processes in Organic Materials in Tuscany, where we will join our lab mate Kai, who was not able to make it to California. 

All we wanted was to cross the road. Turns out it was a 3 km walk

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alex wants to live in a museum for a month

The Chicago Museum of Science and Technology are looking for a person to live in their massive, mega-fun looking museum for a month. I would very much like to be that person!

However, the application closes in LESS THAN AN HOUR (Chicago time). I am in New Zealand, and as I was a little late to discover this competition, had no chance to post an application in time. This post is therefore my application pack. Behold:

Step 1 - Essay: Why do you want this?

My essay can be found as a .pdf here

Step 2 - Video: Why should it be you?

This high quality production can be found on youtube:

We threw the video together on Sunday afternoon, 8 August. Shot by Anthony Lander, edited and music by Alex.

Step 3 - Application Form/Photo

My (handwritten & scanned) application form can be found as a .pdf here

And finally, a headshot of yours truly:

And that's it! One amazing candidate for a ridiculous and awesome opportunity...

Ta ra